
Germplasm Enhancement through Genetic Manipulation for Increasing Resistance to Insects and Improving Efficient Nutrient Use in Genotypes Adapted to Sustainable Production Systems (Joint with TropSoils CRSP)

Sorghum production and yield stability is constrained by numerous biotic and abiotic stresses. Insects pose a produc-lion risk in all areas of sorghum production, the severity […]

Breeding Sorghum for Stability of Performance Using Tropical Germplasm

A principal aim of this project is to introduce and utilize newly bred high yielding tropical food quality sorghums which have so far not been widely […]

Breeding Pearl Millet for Stability Performance Using Tropical Germplasm

This project focused on developing parental material of higher yielding ability that can be used in collaborative breeding programs in developing countries, and to develop new […]

Lekalake, Rosemary

Country of Origin:

Lele, Etani O

Country of Origin:

Makhwaje, Ernest

Country of Origin:

Molapong, Keoagile

Country of Origin:

Moroke, Thebeetsile

Country of Origin:

Emmanuel, Willie P

Country of Origin:

Mogorosi, Michael

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