
Biological Control Tactics for Sustainable Production of Millet

This project focused on finding solutions to pests of sorghum and millet, which are key pests and constraints to production in the U.S. and West Africa.

Resource Efficient Crop Production Systems

Coming soon

Nutrient Use Efficiency in Sorghum and Pearl Millet

This project sought to identify sorghum and pearl millet genotypes which are superior in nutrient efficiency.

Mechanisms of Environmental Stress Resistance in Sorghum and Pearl Millet Relative to Sustainable Production Systems

This project focused on determining traits in sorghum and pearl millet that can resist environmental stresses like drought.

Pearl Millet Germplasm Enhancement for Semiarid Regions

The primary objective of this project is to develop pearl millet materials possessing agronomic, yield, and quality characteristics that address production constraints common to both LDC’s […]

The Enhancement of Sorghum Germplasm for Stability, Productivity, and Utilization

The goal of this project is to reduce the risks of production of sorghum for grain through the enhancement of genetic potentials by creating germplasm pools, […]

Germplasm Enhancement for Resistance to Pathogens and Drought and Increased Genetic Diversity

The principal objectives of TAM-122 were to identify and develop disease resistant and drought resistant sorghum germplasm in genetically diverse backgrounds for use by host country […]

Germplasm Enhancement through Genetic Manipulation for Increasing Resistance to Insects and Improving Efficient Nutrient Use in Genotypes Adapted to Sustainable Production Systems (Joint with TropSoils CRSP)

Sorghum production and yield stability is constrained by numerous biotic and abiotic stresses. Insects pose a produc-lion risk in all areas of sorghum production, the severity […]

Traore, Abdoulaye

Country of Origin:

Coulibaly, Ousmane

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 1990/01/01
  • End Date: 1995/12/31
  • University:
  • Degree: PhD