BASIS Assets and Market Access (AMA)

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Moncada, Miriam Enoe

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BASIS Brief 2008-02: Using Natural Capital to Manage Risk and Reduce Poverty

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 2/1/2008
  • Author(s): Arild Angelsen; Monica Fisher; Charles Jumbe; Gerald Shively; Dick Sserunkuuma
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Risk Management and Social Visibility in Ghana

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2/1/2008
  • Author(s): Jacqueline Vanderpuye-Orgle; Christopher B. Barrett
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Poverty Traps and Social Protection

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2/1/2008
  • Author(s): Christopher B. Barrett; Michael R. Carter; Munenobu Ikegami
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Contracting Out of Poverty in Peru: Some Experimental Approaches

The research aims to help in the design of new institutional mechanisms that will favor the inclusion of smallholders and link them to dynamic markets through […]

BASIS Brief 2008-01: Weather Insurance, Price Information, and Hedging: Helping the Poor Manage Risk

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 1/1/2008
  • Author(s): Shawn Cole; Raghabendra Chattopadhyay; Stefan Hunt; Jeremy Tobacman; Petia Topalova
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Locational Determinants of Rural Non-agricultural Employment: Evidence From Brazil

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 1/1/2008
  • Author(s): Erik Jonasson; Steven M. Helfand
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Contracting Out of Poverty in Peru: Some Experimental Approaches

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): Marco Castillo; Javier Escobal; Ragan Petrie; Maximo Torero
  • Type of Document: Project Document

The structure of Fair Trade Coffee Production in Guatemala and Price Transmission to Farmers

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): Owen Ozier
  • Type of Document: Research Report