BASIS Assets and Market Access (AMA)

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BASIS Brief 2010-01-S: Impacto de servicios para el desarrollo de negocios rurales en el bienestar economico de productores en Nicaragua

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 3/1/2010
  • Author(s): Patricia E. Toledo; Michael R. Carter
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Insuring Against the Weather: Addressing the Challenges of Basis Risk in Index Insurance using Gap Insurance

This research considers the following question: how can generic weather index products be designed and combined with network based savings, gifts and loans to insure some […]

Index-Based Livestock Insurance: Adaptation and Innovations for Ethiopia

The Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Ethiopia pilot project builds on lessons learned from a highly innovative pilot venture underway in northern Kenya, adapting that pilot to […]

  • Start Date: 2010
  • End Date: 2014/09/30
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Interlinking weather index insurance with credit to alleviate market failures and improve agricultural productivity in rural Ethiopia

Smallholder farmers are beset by an interlocking set of market failures. Credit, insurance, and therefore the very use of costly inputs such as fertilizer can remain […]

Index-based Weather Insurance for Coffee Cooperatives in Guatemala

Risk reduction remains a major challenge in increasing productivity and enhancing livelihoods among smallholders in developing countries. Index-based weather insurance offers a new promise for this […]

Group Insurance: The Case of Cotton Producers in Mali

The aim of this project is to insure Malian cotton producers. The vast majority of cotton producers in Mali are small farmers for whom cotton represents […]

  • Start Date: 2010
  • End Date: 2013/06/30
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Dual Strike Point Index Insurance Contracts for Cotton Farmers in West Africa

The BASIS I4 research team, led by researchers at the University of California Davis and the University de Namur, designed an innovative multi-scale insurance index that […]

Trip Report: National Capital and Poverty Reduction, Uganda: May 31- June 5, 2010

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): Gerald Shively
  • Type of Document: Project Document

Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment in Dynamic Incentives in Rural Credit Markets

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): Xavier Gine; Jessica Goldberg; Dean Yang
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Explaining index-based livestock insurance to pastoralists

Abstract: Livestock production in arid and semi-arid rangelands is a risky enterprise. Covariate risk of catastrophic livestock loss due to drought is the most critical uninsured […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): John McPeak; Sommarat Chantarat; Andrew Mude
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article