Dry Grain Pulses (Pulse)

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Jjagwe, George

Country of Origin:

Kabahuma, Mercy

Country of Origin:

Nderitu, Alice

Country of Origin:

Toffa, Joelle

Country of Origin:

Mtsocha, Lydia

Country of Origin:

Mwansa, Sosthenes

Country of Origin:

Mwansa, Martin

Country of Origin:

Increasing Utilization of Cowpeas to Promote Health and Food Security in Africa

Many poor families in Sub Saharan Africa suffer high rates of malnutrition, especially among children, while diet-related chronic diseases have become a common phenomenon among urban […]

Appoline, Sanou

Country of Origin:

Juma, Roselyne

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 2010/01/01
  • End Date: 2011/03/01
  • University:
  • Degree: MS