Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Economic Impacts of IPM Practices in the Rice-Vegetable System

The economic profitability of the alternative strategies to control insects, weeds, nematodes, and diseases on the IPM CRSP in the Philippines were assessed using partial budgeting […]

  • Start Date: 1993
  • End Date: 1998
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Environmental Impacts of IPM

A survey questionnaire to obtain information from Philippine households on their willingness to pay for reduced health and environmental hazards due to pesticides was administered to […]

  • Start Date: 1993
  • End Date: 1998
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Amirault, J.

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 1993
  • End Date: 1997
  • University:
  • Degree: MS

Dix, A.

Country of Origin:

Morales, H.

Country of Origin:

Agamile, Peter

Country of Origin:

Aluba, Ayiga

Country of Origin:

Aluba, Aviga

Country of Origin:

Casimero, M.

Country of Origin:

Favi, Francoise Djidobe

Country of Origin: