Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Modeling Impacts of Changes in Pest Management Technologies Validation and Diffusion of Models for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of Potato in Carchi and Bolivar, Ecuador

This research was carried out jointly by INIAP, IPM-CRSP and FAO. The method employed for this investigation was based on the Training to Trainers, Field Schools […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Intrahousehold resource dynamics & adoption of pest management practices

A chief constraint of IPM is the need to educate the farming population and their families in understanding the dangers of pesticide usage to both human […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Developing Improved Management Strategies for Disease Caused by Phytophthora Infestans in Solanaceous Crops Using Molecular Biological Tools

This research activity focused on developing improved management strategies in Ecuador for coping with Phytophthora infestans, a pathogen with notoriety for the destructive disease it cauess […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Identification, Distribution and Epidemiology of Plant Virus Pathogens That Threaten Pepper/Tomato and Cucurbit Production in Honduras

This project developed surveys to collect leaf tissue samples of solanaceious and cucurbitaceous crops with viral-like disease symptoms due to the lack of information on the […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Molecular Identification of Viruses of Solanaceous and Cucurbit Crops in Honduras and Transgenic Resistance to Control Tomato Mosaic and Pepper Golden Mosaic Viruses in Tomato

This project focused on identifying important plant viruses that limit the production of cucurbits, pepper and tomato in Honduras and developing the diagnostic infrastructure at FHIA’s […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Evaluation of the Suppressive Effect of Seven Pesticides of Low Toxicity to Reduce the Damage Caused by Thrips (Thrips sp) in Snow Pea (Pisum sativum L.).

Lack of adequate thrips control and overuse of insecticides has resulted in insect resistance and loss of effective control methods. The result indicates the need for […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Caribbean Site in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Barbados

The work plan 2002-2003 (Year 10) continued the focus on consolidation of developmental work and wider dissemination of developed technologies. IPM CRSP has been a catalyst […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Determination of the best IPM strategy to manage the Lepidoptera complex on callaloo in two major agroecological zones and seasons in Jamaica

This activity focused on minimizing the use of production systems by identifying non-chemical methods that can be used to control callalloo pests.

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Integrated Management of Pests Affecting Cruciferous Vegetables

For ten years research has been conducted in the primary site in Jamaica which focused on addressing the problem of excessive pesticide use on a vegetable […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Assessment of Virus Incidence in Superior Caribbean Sweetpotato Varieties

The goal of this project was to determine the status of Jamaican sweet potato varieties relative to natural infection with common sweetpotato viruses, using available technology […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University: