International Sorghum and Millet (INTSORMIL)

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Brion, Lillian

Country of Origin:

Yakub, Muhammad

Country of Origin:

Roder, Walter

Country of Origin:

Nukal, Balaji

Country of Origin:

Reddy-Bemtgen, Vijaya

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 1985/01/01
  • End Date: 1987/12/31
  • University:
  • Degree: MS

Paliwal, Sarvesh

Country of Origin:

Pearl Millet Breeding

Through collaboration with partners this project focused on improving drought tolerance, seed size and density, seedling stand establishment, lodging resistance, and grain yield of pearl millet.

Sorghum and Millet Disease Control

Coming soon

Soriano, Alex

Country of Origin: