Sorghum, Millet, and Other Grains (SMOG / INTSORMIL)

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Building a Sustainable Infrastructure for the Product Development and Food Entrepreneur/ Industry Technical Support: A Strategy to promote increased use of Sorghum and Millet in East Africa

Sorghum and millet are ideal crops for many parts of Africa. Maize, however, is favored by many as a food source; farmers thus grow Maize even […]

Hachibamba, Twambo

Country of Origin:

Hikeezi, Doreen Mwiita

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Jacobs, Helen

Country of Origin:

Maiga, Alassane

Country of Origin:

Mgaya, Joseph

Country of Origin:

Mkandawire, Nyambe Lisulo

Country of Origin:

Opole, Rachel

Country of Origin:

Sawadogo, Boukare

Country of Origin:

vanRooyen, Danelle

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