Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Setywan, Edy

Country of Origin:

Stakhanov, Oleg

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McDonald, Erin

Country of Origin:

A certain parallax: Informal and formal mechanisms of in situ conservation

Powerpoint presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 5-10 April 2005.

  • Date of Publication: April 2005
  • Author(s): V. Nazarea
  • Type of Document: Media

LTRA-1: Decentralization Reforms and Property Rights

This project, working in Uganda, Kenya, Mexico, and Bolivia, sought to link policy changes with outcomes for people and the environment. Researchers focused on the role […]

LTRA-2: An Agricultural Markets Model for Biodiversity Conservation

This project sought to determine the extent to which the Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) model can be economically self-sustaining and the effectiveness of the different […]

LTRA-3: Watershed-based Natural Resource Management for Small-scale Agriculture

Most households in rural watershed regions of the Andes rely on agriculture or other natural-resource based activities for their livelihoods. SANREM researchers monitored the social, economic, […]

  • Start Date: 2005
  • End Date: 2009
  • Project Code: LTRA-3
  • Lead University:

LTRA-5: Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetable Production in Southeast Asia Watersheds

VAF is the integration of vegetable crops with trees or trees with vegetable crops

Birur, Dileep

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 2005/01/01
  • End Date: 2005/06/01
  • University:
  • Degree: PhD