Sub-Saharan Africa

Peanut Viruses: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Nature of Resistance – Nigeria

The major goal of this project was to attain a better understanding of the causal agents of GR and other virus diseases so that some methods […]



Peanut Varietal Improvement for Thailand and the Philippines – Thailand and Philippines



Mycotoxin Management in Peanut by Prevention of Contamination and Monitoring – Senegal

Efforts have concentrated on field screening peanut cultivars for possible resistance to invasion by the Aspergilli; field studies to determine the influence of production practices on […]



Bimpolo, Paul

Country of Origin:

Chigwe, Charles

Country of Origin:

Galiba, Marcel

Country of Origin:

Kelemu, Segenet

Country of Origin:

Malepa, Dollina (Solomon)

Country of Origin:

Melakeberhan, Admasu

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 1982/01/01
  • End Date: 1986/12/31
  • University:
  • Degree: PhD