Texas A&M University

Ojwang, Leonard

Country of Origin:

Gawde, Archana

Country of Origin:

Overcoming Abiotic and Biotic Constraints to Yield, and Production of High-Quality Peanuts in West Africa and Texas

A successful outcome will result in being able to develop peanut varieties that are higher in quality and oil content, are tolerant to drought and foliar […]



Enterosorbent intervention therapies for populations at risk for Aflatoxin related diseases

Aflatoxins (AFs) are harmful by-products of mold growth that can be fatal to humans and animals. The problem is longstanding, unavoidable and seemingly inextricable. A recent […]



Breeding Sorghum for Improved Grain, Forage Quality and Yield for Central America

Sorghum is an important feed grain, food grain and forage in Central America. In this region it is produced by a range of groups, from subsistence […]

Product and Market Development for Sorghum and Millet in Southern Africa and Central America

This project is integrated with food science, plant improvement, and marketing projects in East Africa, West Africa and Central America to improve components of the supply […]

Boswell, Sara

Country of Origin:

Hayes, Chad

Country of Origin:

Packer, Dan

Country of Origin:

Asif, Muhammad

Country of Origin: