
Biological and Ecological Investigations and Management of Insect Pests on Sorghum

The goal of this project was to develop resistance to insect pests in sorghum through integrated pest management methods.

Development and Evaluation of Systems for Controlling Insect Pests of Sorghum/Millet by Integration of Resistant Varieties, Cultural Manipulation and Biological Control

The goal of this project was to develop insect control strategies for sustainable sorghum/millet production, namely, plant resistance and biological control.

Aceves-Navarro, Lorenzo

Country of Origin:

Anosiki, Nnamdi

Country of Origin:

Bore, Assa

Country of Origin:

Cardwell, Kitty

Country of Origin:

Diourte, Mamourou

Country of Origin:

Duda, Susan

Country of Origin:

El-Majbari, F

Country of Origin:

Forbes, Greg

Country of Origin: