Determinacion de Costos del Cultivo de Tilapia a Pequena y Mediana Escala: Importancia de Mantener un Sistema de Registros Tecnicos y Contables
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2006
- Author(s): F.R. Martinez; S. Triminio Meyer; D. Meyer; A. Barrientos
- Type of Document: Project Document
- Region: Global
- Topic: Markets, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Tilapia Markets 2006
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2006
- Author(s): K. Fitzsimmons
- Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Future Expansion of Global Supplies and Markets for Tilapia Products-2006
Abstract: Tilapia production and consumption have risen rapidly in recent years to 2,096,187 mt in 2005. Expansion of up to 10% per year is anticipated in […]
- Date of Publication: 2006
- Author(s): Kevin Fitzsimmons; Pablo Gonzalez
- Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
A mixed-integer transshipment model for tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) marketing in Honduras
Abstract: Tilapia production in Honduras has increased in recent years. However, lack of thorough understanding of domestic markets and coordinated production efforts have hampered the development […]
- Date of Publication: 2006
- Author(s): Carlos M. Leyva; Carole R. Engle; Yong-suhk Wui
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Marketing and Economics
Abstract: The economic history of the development of the tilapia industry world-wide is a fascinating study of a fish enterprise that has been managed successfully on […]
- Date of Publication: 2006
- Author(s): Carole R. Engle
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Tilapia Farm Business Management and Economics: A Training Manual
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 12/1/2005
- Author(s): Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program
- Type of Document: Project Document
- Region: Global
- Topic: Capacity Building, Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Bivalve Market Study in Pacific Mexico
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2005/10/01
- End Date: 2006/07/31
- Project Code: 12ERA6
- Lead University: University of Hawaii at Hilo
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Ex Ante Assessment of Coastal and Marine Aquaculture Development: Charting Comparative Strengths and Weaknesses of Low Trophic Species for offshore Aquaculture in Developed and Developing Countries
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2005/10/01
- End Date: 2006/07/31
- Project Code: 12ERA5
- Lead University: Not Available
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Hydraulic, Water Quality and Social Assessment of the Nzoia Basin, Kenya
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2005/10/01
- End Date: 2006/07/31
- Project Code: 12ERA2
- Lead University: University of Georgia
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Assessment of Coastal and Marine Aquaculture Development for Low Trophic Level Species
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2005/10/01
- End Date: 2006/07/31
- Project Code: 12ERA1
- Lead University: University of Michigan
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project