Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Review of developments of environmental services markets in Sri Lanka

Summary: Sri Lanka holds great potential for developing PES and environmental service markets. It is however a relative new concept and improving awareness and building institutional […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. Kallesoe; D. De Alvis
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Mali: Belan et perspective d’une decennie de decentralisation

Abstract: En dix annees de parcours, la decentralisation malienne mise sur les rails a partir de 1993 par le regime du president Konare semble avoir atteint […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): B. Kassibo
  • Type of Document: Not Available

Rapid Agrobiodiversity Assessment (RABA): A tool to capture the understanding and knowledge of stakeholders on the benefits of agrobiodiversity

Summary: Rapid Agrobiodiversity Assessment tries to link sellers with potential buyers of biodiversity conservation services to engage in an agreement for environmental services payment. It is […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): S.A. Kuncoro; M. van Noordwijk; F.J.C. Chandler
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Etude morpho-pedologique de la commune de Madiama

Excerpt: L’objectif general de cette etude etait: l’amelioration de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles de la commune de Madiama afin d’assurer un meilleur cadre de […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): L. Dioni; O. Badini
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Ecoagriculture: A review and assessment of its scientific foundations

As problems such as the loss of biodiversity, rural poverty and environmental degradation get worse, natural resource management practices need to change to counter this trend. […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): L.E. Buck; T.A Gavin; D.R. Lee; N.T. Uphoff
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Un analisis de los impactos sociales y economicos de los proyectos de fijacion de carbono en el Ecuador: El caso de PROFAFOR-FACE

Abstract: Este reporte se enfoca en el proyecto PROFAFOR, implementado por FACE (Forest Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emissions), una ONG holandesa formada por un grupo de companias […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. Alban; M. Arguello
  • Type of Document: Research Report

The Impacts of Payments for Watershed Services in Ecuador: Emerging lessons from Pimampiro and Cuenca

Abstract: Payments for environmental services (PES) is a topic of increasing interest in Ecuador, particularly as a way to leverage funding for environmental protection. Payments systems […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. Echavarria; J. Vogel; M. Alban; F. Meneses
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Qualite de l’ensilage, caracteristiques chimiques, et palatabilite de la Cassia tora ensile contre frais

Abstract: Cassia tora (Foetid cassia) is the most prevalent weed species in the West African region of Mali. In most parts of Mali, the lack of […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. El Hadj; O. Abaye; M. Keita
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Learnings: SANREM partners’ testimonies

Abstract: This book contains six brief case studies that detail the impact the SANREM project in the Philippines. The people in these case studies tell about […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M.R.M. Baltazar; M.H. Viray
  • Type of Document: Not Available

Capability building for NRM: The participatory landscape appraisal (PLLA) training on the communities in Bukidnon

This presentation covers the PLLA training program conducted among community leaders (barangay officials) and sectoral representatives of the barangay.

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): F. Magdato; J. Arances; L. Ledres
  • Type of Document: Media