University of Georgia

Building Community Awareness and Participation in Donsin, Burkina Faso

To bridge the time gap between introduction into the community and the beginning of implementation, a series of small projects, that directly addresses the concerns and […]

  • Start Date: November 1994
  • End Date: July 1997
  • Project Code: BF1-I
  • Lead University:

SANREM CRSP in the Republic of the Cape Verde Islands, West Africa

The SANREM CRSP was invited by USAID/Cape Verde to collaborate with the Watershed and Applied Research and Development (WARD) project to provide training, technical assistance, and […]

  • Start Date: September 1994
  • End Date: June 1996
  • Project Code: CV1-I
  • Lead University:

Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Family Security through Home gardening and Sustainable Field Production of Vegetables: Community-based Pest management for Sustainable Vegetable Production.

In higher elevations of the watershed of the Manupali landscape in the Philippines,potatoes and other vegetables are currently a major source of income for poor farming […]

The Ethnoecology of the Manupali Watershed

Coming soon

  • Start Date: February 1994
  • End Date: December 1996
  • Project Code: P13-1
  • Lead University:

Andes Project

The Andes program was established in 1994 in a watershed roughly 100 km from Quito, Ecuador’s capital. In this area, residents were struggling with the decreasing […]

The Priming Program of SANREM CRSP/Philippines

The Priming Program of SANREM CRSP was meant to use effectively the time between the finalization of the SANREM CRSP Philippines Framework Plan and the initiation […]

  • Start Date: September 1993
  • End Date: April 1994
  • Project Code: P1-I
  • Lead University:

Dix, A.

Country of Origin:

Engaging the Whole: Operationalizing the Spread Effect at SANREM CRSP Sites

In addition to the administrative responsibilities of the Site Coordination Office (SCO), it serves the role of communications node for the host-country for the SANREM CRSP […]

  • Start Date: January 1993
  • End Date: August 1997
  • Project Code: P17-1
  • Lead University:

Prinyawiwathul, Witoon

Country of Origin:

