AquaFish Phase I

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Human Health and aquaculture: Health Benefits Through Improving Aquaculture Sanitation and Best Management Practices

This project’s research, training and outreach activities will add components of aquaculture research, development and training to existing integrated coastal zone management programs for three large […]



Aquatic Resource Use and Conservation for Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries in Mali

The overall goal of the project is to impove the productivity and income of producers in targeted areas of Mali through facilitation of access to technologies […]



Improved Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability of Aquaculture in the Philippines and Indonesia

The project will develop and implement strategies to improve the cost effectiveness and sustainability of fish farming in the Philippines and Indonesia, and subsequently improve the […]



Improving Competitiveness of African Aquaculture through Capacity Building, Improved Technology, and Management of Supply Chain and Natural Resources

The overall goal of this continuation project is to develop physical and human capacity for the aquaculture industry in sub-Sahara Africa through new and better technology […]

  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2013/03/31
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:



Developing Sustainable Aquaculture for Coastal and Tilapia Systems in the Americas

This project addressed several critical issues of special concern to aquaculture producers in Mexico and Guyana. One is the use of locally produced protein sources for […]

  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2013/03/31
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:



Development of Alternatives to the Use of Freshwater Low Value Fish for Aquaculture in the Lower Mekong Basin of Cambodia and Vietnam: Implications for Livelihoods, Production, and Markets

The vision of this project is for sustainable freshwater aquaculture development in the Lower Mekong basin region of Cambodia and Vietnam, taking into consideration the balancing […]



Improving Sustainability and Reducing Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture Systems in China, and South and Southeast Asia

This project represents a collaboratively defined series of studies with host country counterparts in China, Nepal, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. The experiments listed were defined largely […]



On Farm Verification of Tilapia-catfish Predation Culture

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improving Competitiveness of African Aquaculture Through Capacity Building, Improved Technology, and Management of Supply Chain and Natural Resources

  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2009
  • Project Code: 07MER03PU
  • Lead University:



Internet-Based Podcasting: Extension Modules for Farming Tilapia in the Philippines

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improved Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability of Aquaculture in the Philippines and Indonesia. From 2007-2009 this investigation was called: Internet-based Extension Podcasts […]



Feeding Strategies to Reduce Tilapia Production Costs in Philippines

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improved Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability of Aquaculture in the Philippines and Indonesia.From 2007-2009 this investigation was called: Feeding Reduction Strategies and […]

