Dry Grain Pulses (Pulse)

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Fousseni, Traore

Country of Origin:

Isaacs, Krista

Country of Origin:

Mukeshimana, Gerardine

Country of Origin:

Musaazi, Aisha Nakitto

Country of Origin:

Okiror, Simon

Country of Origin:

Sebuwufu, Gerald

Country of Origin:

Syanobe, Cyrille

Country of Origin:

Weya, Belinda Akinyi

Country of Origin:

Njeru, Crispus Mugambi

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 2008/02/01
  • End Date: 2010/02/01
  • University:
  • Degree: MS

Using Improved Pulse Crop Productivity to Reinvigorate Smallholder Mixed Farming Systems in Western Kenya

Many rural households in the East African highlands are no longer self-sufficient in beans, a critical source of food and income. Farmers’ inability to afford fertilizer […]

  • Start Date: 2008
  • End Date: 2012/12/31
  • Project Code: CU-1
  • Lead University: